Saturday, September 4, 2010

Freya's Autumnal Equinox

The Autumnal Equinox or Maybon is celebrated around September 21. It is associated with the goddess Freya. Besides being the Goddess of Love her other aspects are bounty and good fortune.  Harvest time, is a time of plenty with ripened apples, pumpkins, pears, gourds, corn etc. It is also called the "Second Harvest." It is a midpoint in the season of Autumn. And a time when the day and night are balanced. Even the goddess energy of Freya is in balance. 

Just like the Vernal Equinox, the sunrise is due east and the sunset due west. From now on, until the time of mid-winter, darkness is the ascendant.

As I write this, the country lane where I walk my little, tan terrier Dixie is just starting to turn from the "green cathedral" that it is in summer; to little patches of orange here and gold there. The goldenrod and star like purple asters line the lane in profusion. But here in North East Pennsylvania by September 21st the leaves will be a riot of color! 

This is one of my favorite times of year. The fact that the Fall foliage is so brief makes it all the more precious. I love decorating our little cottage with a wreath of brightly colored leaves, acorns, pumpkins and gourds. Slip an acorn in your pocket and remain forever youthful!

It is at this time of year when I feel very close to Freya. I can fairly see her bright red hair blowing in the wind. Here is a Freya invocation that I would like to share with you: 

 To Freya!

Lady Freya giver of sensual 
delights, goddess of love and fertility, we
call out to you in loving devotion. O
goddess of the joyful embrace, we give
praise to your for your gentile yet strong
ways of love. Your blessings fill the world
with new life, in the fecund beasts of 
the field, and in the quickened wombs of 
woman kind. Pour forth your gifts that we
may grow in prosperity and in the joy of
all  things sensual.

Hearken, Goddess of the Vanir, as 
we summon you to come to us in your
cat-drawn chariot!

Enjoy Maybon and Autumnal Equinox to it's fullest!
Freya Bless!

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