Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Magical Passage of Time and Quantum Physics Revealed!

Most people imagine that the events that lie in what we term the future are "fixed" on a sort of moving belt that we call time, and that time moves the event out of the future into the so-called past. 

In Quantum Physics it is perceived that there is no past or future only the "Now." But if you really reflect on this you realize that there is no such thing as present. Utter the word "Now", and even as you utter it, part of the word has vanished into the past. It is rather like trying to define a point or line that isn't there. 

Something that Quantum Physics fails to address is that it seems that time has something to do with consciousness. If there is no present, how then is it that events are spaced out? If there is no present, then events must be either in the future or in the past. Yet, "Now" seems to be very real to us. Nevertheless, even the illusive now has something queer about it. Sometimes now seems to be much longer than other times. The passage of time is strangely "elastic." 

It is difficult even to attempt to conjecture on the nature time. But let me attempt to give my own description, and please bear in mind that I am not an authority on Quantum Physics, in spite of the fact that I am able so see events before they happen.

Let us suppose that one has a very long table, and at intervals of every two or three inches a small object has been placed. First a button, then  matchbook, a pin, a bead, and so on until 50 or more objects have been spaced out down the table. Now the room is plunged into darkness. 

A person who has no knowledge of the objects on the table enters the darkened room. (In effect he is born.) He is handed a very tiny, low-powered flashlight with a beam sufficient to illuminate only one object at a time. He directs the beam on the first object, the button. The beam of light represents his consciousness. For a second, he recognizes and appreciates the object he has illuminated. 

Then he moves the beam on to the second object, and at the same time, the first one vanishes into darkness again. Object one, by vanishing, has moved into the past. Meanwhile, object two, being illuminated, is in the present, whereas object three and all the subsequent objects are in the future. 

Finally, after he has illuminated each object in turn, he reaches the last one, and his illumination - his consciousness in a "beam sense"  - goes out. (The moment of physical death.) Then somebody enters the room and switches on a big light over the table, and the examiner discovers that he can see all the objects at same time. In short, his tiny beam of consciousness has been exchanged for a greatly enlarged one. 

Now that we have reached this inadequate comparison, we might add that a clairvoyant has a second tiny lamp which he/she can direct upon the objects far down the line. The person who is not clairvoyant has to direct his little beam on each object in strict rotation. 

All this is "not" to say that the future can not be changed in many ways. I may be wrong, but long experience has shown me - or appears to show me- that the stuff of the future is very pliable and can be molded by our thoughts. I will write more about "this" later. 

 Brightest of Blessings,