Sunday, November 28, 2010

Magical Moon Foods

For as long as can be remembered, the Moon has been believed to rule Magic, water and women. Certain foods are identified as Lunar foods; believing they transmit the effects of the Moon and are able to impart great psychic power. Since we are coming upon the season of Yule, when the power of the "Full Moon" is considered Strongest, it could well be beneficial to consume these foods to increase one's "Moons Power".

Those wishing to align themselves with the Moon are encouraged to consume these foods. 
Among these Lunar Foods are the following:

*Cake, specifically round cakes with candles. The traditional round Birthday cake derives, from this ancient ritual practice. An alternative option is crescent - or horn-shaped bread or cakes, such as "croissants".

*Cheese, not the legendary "green" cheese of which the Moon is supposedly composed of, but round white cheeses, such as goat cheese, brie or provolone. 

*Crabs and Crayfish; the creature assigned to the Astrological sign Cancer, the only sign belonging to the Moon, is the crab. Those born under the sign of Cancer are believed to resemble crabs, leading to many jokes about crabby personalities. In Mediterranean regions, crabs are intensely affiliated with the Moon. 

In Central and Eastern Europe, especially in those areas whose magical traditions were heavily influenced by the Romany, the crayfish is the lunar animal par excellence. Crayfish, being fresh-water crustaceans, are cooked in many ways. Their shells are traditionally dried and preserved for amulets, particularly for "fertility" long believed to be the Moon's magical gift. 

Good Luck, Good Love and Good Moon Magic!

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